Archive for the ‘Kim Kardashian’ Category

Yesterday I posted a blippo about The Today Show bashing on Maria Kang.

Today on…um…Today, the Instagram picture of Kim Kardashian’s butt was profiled. For some unbelievable reason the producers today decided that…um…Today would have to censor her butt during the segment.


Bit ol’ round blurry bubble (when you read “round”, imagine how Jim Carry would exemplify Today’s bubble…um…today).

KK’s butt spreads across engulfs the entire screen (iPhone, iPad, laptop, flat-screen that takes up four feet of space). The Today Show all but gave her a golden globe (get it?? globe??) alongside their praise for Kim Kardashian’s selfie in suit that showed half a boob and most of her butt.

All KK’s bragging must have sent Hoda into rehab.

Shame on you Today…um…today…for the global crap-slap about a mom who’s all about a healthy lifestyle whilst a shower of NBC rain-bowed peacock feathers was poured out for the roundest, most spoiled snot of them all.

Today, you suck…um…today.
