Archive for the ‘Summer’ Category

A handful of us from church signed up for the Gilda’s Club 2013 5K Run/Walk on October 12th in honor of Foster Braun. Foster’s a member of our church, and also a radio personality here in the Detroit area (Foster has a voice that would melt Wolverine’s metal alloy adamantium skeleton). He’s married to a lovely woman, Ginny – they are just the perfect couple. Foster is currently undergoing treatment for cancer. Our team, Team Foster, will be helping to raise funds for Gilda’s Club and the research to find a cure for Multiple Myeloma.

Prepping for is so not like riding a bike.

My friend Rebekah and I got together last night to “run together”. My cocky-meter was set to about medium-high because you know, I workout. So we meet up, agree on timed runs (6 minutes on, 2 minutes off), set our respective fitness apps, and away we went for a nice 3.1 mile jaunt. I kept up once or twice, but for the most part Bekah was a good half mile ahead of me. It sucked. I got smoked by a mom of four extremely rambunctious boys!


Kick up your routine: consider a workout buddy who’s better than you are at a certain activity. It’s extra special if that buddy encourages and pushes you to go a little further – even if they’re a lot cuter than you and a half mile ahead of the game.

And if you’re able, consider making a donation to help us raise funds for Gilda’s Club and cancer research. Our team goal is $500.00. I’m hoping all of you will consider helping us make it to $2,000.00.

Get up & GO!


Hey, check out the workout of the day!

What did YOU do??


Only Your Best. No Excuses. Never Quit.

Only Your Best. No Excuses. Never Quit.

Check out the workout of the day!!


Only Your Best. No Excuses. Never Quit.

Only Your Best. No Excuses. Never Quit.

Holy Cow! Check out today’s stuff. Not the weight size that got me, was the reps!

But I did it! What did YOU do today????

It was in the high 50’s when I went to do my workout this morning – nice and brisk! I grabbed my hoodie, stuffed my Jaybirds in my ears and off to my gym park I went. The ground was pretty damp from the rain last night – but I didn’t have anything planned which would require me getting on the ground.

Or so I thought.

Right in the middle of step-ups, my left foot slid right out from underneath me on a rail road tie. One 10lb dumbbell flew a good five feet into the play area, the other right behind my head as I landed on the ground. No. Correction. As I landed in a nice soppy, slippery pile of leaves and mud. I hedged around the emotion of do I or don’t I allow myself to become completely embarrassed (given I just splattered myself in perfect view of the condos which have big windows that face the park). Then I saw someone who had been peering through their blinds hike them up to watch what I can only assume what my next display of falling on my ass might look like. Then I realized, THEY’RE in their house, I need a banner to hang over the fence:

It’s great to watch, it’s funner to do it!

Here’s the link to the WOD:

Only Your Best. No Excuses. Never Quit.

Only Your Best. No Excuses. Never Quit.

I think I mentioned recently I have an increased fondness for outdoor exercise – boot camp or my regular routines, really doesn’t matter. The entire concept is just so different from the confines of a gym. There’s no TV, no stench, no shared equipment, no waiting for someone to get out of the way. It just…works.

It is a little dirty…not in the XTina kind of way…and not in the “Hey [beeeeeep]…you did NOT just walk away from your machine without wiping it down” kind of way. It’s dirt. Real dirt. Dirt that says, “I did something dirty today”.

(All of this is just cracking my friends up who know how OCD I really am.)

Today at Boot Camp there were inchworms, plank jacks, squat thrusts…all movements which require touching dirt. I had dirt on my arms, in my gloves, in my fingernails (eew), all over my face, got a little grit on my teeth, dirt in my socks, something in my hair (I think it was alive, and I really don’t wanna know).

Although I won’t be out making mud pies anytime soon, I did enjoy the workout and can’t wait until tomorrow.

This is a picture only a CSI could love. That’s what I found when I finished my squat thrusts.


Hey! Check out today’s workout on the SPFit site:

Come check out the Boot Camp class – your first class is free!

Only Your Best. No Excuses. Never Quit.

Only Your Best. No Excuses. Never Quit.

Sneakers. There are millions put out by well known sneaker manufacturers: New Balance, Nike, Adidas, Reebok, Asics, etc. Sneakers need to work well, and you need more than one pair (I know…my bin is a tiny bit overfull).

Here are some tips on how to pick a great pair of sneakers:

1. Wear proper socks. When shopping for sneakers, it’s important you wear a pair of socks that you would wear in the gym, not everyday socks. Sneaker socks (you saw that coming) should be moisture wicking with a fit that doesn’t lose shape. Plus, if you try new sneakers on with everyday socks, they’re not going to fit as well with sneaker socks.

2. Different sneakers for different activities. Running sneakers are different than biking sneakers, and they’re different from gym sneakers. There are also different from everyday sneakers. Running sneakers tend to fit differently and be slightly bigger than gym sneakers to allow room for swelling. Biking sneakers are narrower than other sneakers, and the good ones have clips on the bottoms so feet don’t slip off the pedals (these are usually worn by a hard core spinner or endurance cyclist). Gym sneakers should be just that: gym sneakers. Albeit this is my personal opinion, but I have learned if you wear the same pair of sneakers for everything, you’ll have problems with your feet later.

3. Get fitted. If you’re planning to run, get to a run shop and have them fit you for a pair of running shoes. You’ll pay a few bucks for them, but your feet with thank you for miles and miles and miles. Run shops will watch you stand, watch how you walk, and choose several sneakers for you to try on that would work best for YOU.

4. Bend those suckers. Best piece of advice I ever got pertaining to shoes in general was from a chiropractor. He emphasized the importance of proper support in foot wear. I do this with every pair of sneakers or other shoes I purchase. Before you even try the sneaker on, bend it. I mean, really bend it. If the sneaker bends easily or or gives too much in the arch, put it back. Look for another pair. Just because they’re on sale or on clearance does not make them stellar. Improper support, regardless of any activity you do, will kill your feet and cause problems to your ankles. There is also a domino effect: your knees will be bothered due to improper support (you’ll walk differently), and your ankles will feel sore in all the wrong places. This can happen with a great pair of sneakers, too. I have learned that’s temporary with great sneakers. My feet had to get used to being in something nice.

Here are a few pictures to give you an idea of how to check for proper support in your sneakers click the first one to see the slideshow):

Check out the Work Out of the Day :

My budget is not as expansive as it once was (Starbucks is now a luxury, not a necessity….twitch…twitch), so I haven’t been buying snack foods and other crap like I normally would. This is difficult for me as I have a massive pretzel addiction (I can easily go through a big bag in 2-3 days…which will be curbed now. I just saw what that did to my food diary) and live right across the street from a party/convenience store. Sometimes I allow my single life to dictate much of what I do (i.e. I’m lazy and really hate to cook for one), which makes for poor eating choices more often than not (which isn’t all that great considering I peddle a boot camp class). However, I am committed to a healthy life and healthy lifestyle.

Those two do not happen if I’m screwing around, AND I cannot give honest feedback to people through social networks if I’m not educating myself with healthy choices. For instance, the subject of getting all your protein in for the day through food sources other than protein shakes came up. I’m a shake person, and I will have one or two a day (the other night I made a frozen shake…OMG!). I personally do not feel the need to remove 100% of the shakes out of my diet, but others do. So I thought, what the heck could I do to answer that question.

Prior to my workout, I started my day with McCann’s Steel Rolled Oats and Hemp Pro Fiber. The combo was “okay”, I’m just not 100% sold on the baby poo food green color. Truvia didn’t mask the color, nor did it mask the dry of the hemp (this is obviously going to be a work in progress).

After my workout I had Cheerios, ½ cup of Trader Joe’s Vanilla Soy Milk, Chia & Hemp seeds.

Later I had pretzels (#failure), a cup of coffee (brewed, not bough), and I think something else – for the life of me I cannot remember what….

Dinner Ingredients

Dinner Ingredients

For dinner I made lentils & split peas with curried TVP & NoOodles (side note: Quest’s Pastabilities are MUCH better). I weighed out a serving each of the lentils & split peas on the food scale, then boiled them with some garlic powder and cracked pepper. Once those were about finished, I cooked up the TVP according to the directions and added my own homemade curry powder. The color was perfect. Lastly, I added a package of NoOodles. I did not cook those to the package directions, rather added them to the curried TVP. They have to stay in the pan until they’re no longer white, but translucent. Then I topped it with some of the lentils & split peas. Kind of looked like I added vegetables. On the side, fire roasted diced tomatoes (another note: make your own. The canned ones are incredibly tart and taste like aluminum).

When I finished cooking I realized I accidentally made a vegan dish (yay me! Sorta…I still like cow).

IMG_1508 IMG_1509


My day kind of ended up like this:

575 Cals
75 Carbs
23 Fat
27 Fiber
30 Protein

Pretzel Fail:
200 Calories
46 Carbs
0 Fat
2 Fiber
4 Protein

165 Cals
29 Carbs
0 Fat
11 Fiber
13 Protein

940 Cals
150 Carb
23 Fat
40 Fiber (which brings Carbs to 110)
47 Protein

Did I do it? Not exactly. My protein intake is typically over 100. My caloric intake should be somewhere between 1,200 and 1,500. So, I’ll have an Isopure shake to top out the day.

It is possible. If you’re a grab & go person, might be a bit more difficult. But it’s totally possible, and if you’re a meal planner – this is a great option.

If you have any healthy protein intake suggestions, shoot me a note at