Archive for the ‘Feet’ Category

sneakerbinShe really didn’t come right out and say that to me in my ear – but in print. Big print (zoom) that glowed in the dark (iPad):

“This is one hell of a journey you’re beginning. In fact, it’ll probably be the most important, challenging, and rewarding thing you ever do.”

“What the Hell do You Want to Do with Your Life?”

“Ask yourself this: how much deprivation, how much self-effacement must you suffer before you act on your desire for meaning and fulfillment, before you thrive in your life instead of barely surviving it?”

“…do not compromise your happiness because of others’ lack of insight.”

“It’s time to start living your life the way God…intended – HAPPILY.”

(All of the quotes above are from Unlimited by Jillian Michaels, Copyright (C) 2011 by Empowered Media LLC)

I had to look up effacement (like you’d expect anything less?): to wipe out; do away with; expunge; rub out; erase; obliterate. Or in other words: assassinate. Would you just stand there and let someone pull the trigger? Yeah, neither would I.

…I need a dumbbell…

Oh hey! 2 Years!! What a difference 33 inches makes, huh? Am I cute or amcute!?!?



I had dug around in my box of weight loss surgery stuffs for some items that had been handed out pre and post-op. There was a “Get Your Kitchen Situated” list; the “Hi, the shrink says you’re not nuts…here’s your next to-do list” letter); “Vitamins to have on hand…for…ev…er” list; lists about food “Stages” (liquids, squishies, solids, Starbucks).

Actually, I think Starbucks should be a food group.

None of what had been contained in my little box of weight loss really explained what would happen to my cute self when all the weight came off. Rapid or gradual weight loss always results in physical changes: my nose shrank, my boobs mysteriously got bigger (I’m in denial and don’t care what the 4’11 lady said while I got fitted for a new bra).

Oh…clothes shopping? Really? It’s not (make little quote signs with your fingers) shopping.

Those of us who have personally experienced massive weight loss know all too well the frustration fitting rooms hold. Two weeks ago I spent the better part of half an hour in a pathetic stubborn effort to get into a Spanx tank. The damn thing rolled behind me because I somehow got it wrapped up in its own fabric and hooked in my bra-strap. To add insult to injury, the light overhead made that little fitting room hotter than a book shelf in hell.

After I wiggled out of the Spanx tank with a couple of MMA moves Mark taught me, I saw the back of a tag which had instructions. Plain as day: “Step INTO your shape wear.

I rock.

sneakerbinMy experience with new sneakers has been just as enjoyable, as you can see. There are 15 pair of sneakers in my bin: Nike (3 pair), New Balance (5 pair), Reebok (3 pair), Champion (2 pair), Kmart Blue Light Special (2 pair).

I now own my own sneaker factory.

Well…maybe own is a tad dramatic.

As a person who has first-hand experience with rapid weight loss, it would not be unreasonable to think I take as much care with the purchase of new sneakers as I do wrestling with Spanx.


Fat people walk differently than non-fat people (sounds like I just described yogurt). The muscles in my body had to compensate for my weight which means my legs would roll out (all of my shoes were worn down on the outside of the heels). Now that I weigh about 140lbs less than I did two years ago, I walk differently. The type of shoe I wore then I cannot wear now, and this is true for a lot of people in the weight loss community.

Failure to take the time to properly shop for sneakers could develop foot and/or ankle problems down the road. Gym sneakers are different than street sneakers. Running sneakers are different than cross train sneakers. The cool sneakers on the rack at a discount will not do their job if they do not fit properly. Don’t be me and look like a shoe who…um…hoarder. Love the feet you’re in, get fitted!

There’s a great article here on shopping for sneakers. If you have any additional input, toss me a note at

That’s a line from a song in one of the Rocky movies.

It takes an amazing amount of talent to publicly display mental dullness and foolishness (sprinkled with a lack of intelligence and sensitivity). I especially enjoy the comments which float around social media which state weight loss surgery “is the easy way out”, and that God doesn’t listen to them. Those people are obtuse (thank you Andy Dufresne).

Side note: God does listen to you. If you find yourself neck deep in flood waters and beg for help, He’ll send help (rescue boat, helicopter with a ladder, etc.). You can climb out of the water or drown. Even though the tools necessary to get out of the flood waters are within your grasp, your metal dullness and foolishness will result in your preventable demise.

24 months ago I had gastric bypass. I go to the gym, I’ve been with the same trainer for 21 months, I’m addicted to Starbucks. I weigh and measure my food. I read labels all the time. I’ve lost about 140lbs, 33.5 inches from head to toe, two shoe sizes…and I bought a skirt (it’s been 15 years since I had worn a dress/skirt).

If you think for one second I took the easy way out…well…you’re pretty obtuse.


littlesneaksI found these today on an article written by Chris Freytag, Fitness Expert for Prevention Magazine.

1. Strive for progress, not perfection. (Unknown)

2. You want me to do something…tell me I can’t do it. (Maya Angelou)

3. If you don’t make mistakes, you aren’t really trying. (Unknown)

4. You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. (Wayne Gretzky)

5. You live longer once you realize that any time spent being unhappy is wasted. (Ruth E. Renkl)

6. Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will. (Gandi)

7. Motivation will almost always beat mere talent. (Norman R. Augustine)

8. I’d rather be a failure at something I enjoy than a success at something I hate. (George Burns)

9. Energy and persistence conquer all things. (Ben Franklin)

10. Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Virginia's SneakersNot quite two months ago I got a message on Facebook from Virginia with a compliment that she had seen my before and after picture. What I didn’t know until we got together for coffee therapy in town at Tracibucks Starbucks was how Virginia came across my picture. I just assumed it was through a mutual on Facebook. She had actually done a Google search on the best trainers in the area and found Swift Results web site tied to the contest in Hour Magazine for the Best of Detroit. The last time I saw Virg live & in person was a couple of years ago through the women’s Bible study at Kensington in Troy.

Tonight we met up for a walk. We talked the entire time, and I’m telling you right now: God so orchestrated this new friendship:

  • Virginia and I are about the same height. We’re close in age (technically I think I’m older).
  • We’re ex’es in specs.
  • The interior of our vehicles could be the launch point for a new reality series: CLI’s (Car Litter
  • Abs are a reality in our lives, even if there are teeny tiny cuts. We can see them, and
    that’s all that matters.
  • We’re super close in weight (no, you don’t get to know).
  • We have the same goal weight.
  • Both of us are at places in our lives where old novels have been shelved, and new ones are ready for
  • We both have little heart monitors. Mine is in a drawer…somewhere.
  • Virginia and I have no issue calling someone out. She will (and has) stalk a dog owner to remind them of
    their duty to pick up doody, while I will loudly proclaim to any random person about to step onto a piece
    of cardio equipment they might want to wipe it down since the person before them didn’t care to remove
    their doody.
  • We both have a desire to accidentally casually trip skinny runners.
  • Anne & Marcia will adore her as the third member of the unofficial Royal Oak Oh-Em-Gee It’s a Baby
  • Train wrote her theme song.

If you would like to meet Virginia, you can follow her on Facebook or her blog “Life on the Virg”. She’s pretty awesome.

sneakersonaledgeOh please.

The words don’t, can’t, too hard have been uttered by yours truly more times than I could ever possibly count. I am a recovering addict. I don’t want to quit; I can’t stop; It’s too hard to function sober. What totally blows my mind: similar excuses are uttered by obese people and/or people who make comments about not being healthy:

I don’t have the time to workout. I can’t afford a gym membership. It’s too hard to make those changes. I love food. I don’t want to exercise/eat healthy.

(I heard someone say that last one)

Excuses foster fear and failure. I didn’t think much about that until I read it somewhere, but it is true. Unless you’re willing to curb the excuses and make a commitment to change your lifestyle – you’ll never change. You’ll always have an excuse, fear and failure will always be the dark cloud which hovers above you. But it doesn’t have to be that way:

I don’t have the time to workout and I can’t afford a gym membership. Dude. How much time do you spend on Facebook? Do you have a DVR? How about a subscription to Netflix or Hulu Plus? Unless you’re the parent who can’t even find time to pee because their family has grown and multiplied, you have time  and can afford to workout (and a gym membership is not required).

It’s hard to make those changes. Yep. It is. But tying your shoelaces while subsequently suffocating yourself is a lot harder. Just sayin’.

I love food. Okay. Nobody said you had to break up. I’ve been known to sleep with my food.

I don’t want to exercise/be healthy: That’s okay too. That’s honesty. Just know if you decide to make some kind of change, you’ll add years to your life. Otherwise, let the medications pile up and watch your health fail.

So it’s all on you…foster fear and failure or foster health and happiness.

I vote for happy.